A stretching and toning class involving basic standing and mat exercises.
Cardio & Tone
Total body workout for all fitness levels, combining an aerobic workout with aggressive abdominal and strength exercises.
Cycle Core
A slightly different spin on standard cycling classes, with a focus on the core as well.
Burn serious calories on specially designed bikes while an instructor guides you through a motivational visualization of an outdoor cycling workout.
Come check out why High-Intensity Interval Training is so popular! This intense workout is great for those who are serious about getting fit.
Taught by certified instructor Dan Dunn.
Strengthening/stretching concentrating on the muscles of the abdominal area, lower back, hips, and buttocks to improve posture, balance, and flexibility.
Step Circuit
Traditional step aerobics combined with overall body conditioning.
Step It Up
Intense variety of step aerobics and weight training.
A blend of low impact aerobics and total body strengthening and stretching for overall fitness.
Now free with your EHR membership, yoga classes are great for body and mind!
Circuit Training
Quick bursts of cardio mixed with strength training and ab work.
(cycling-strength training-core)
Kettlebell Plus
This class is ideal for those who desire cardio plus strength. Using traditional Russian kettlebells and other conditioning/resistance methods, this metabolic workout will burn fat and sculpt lean muscle. Abs/stretch round out this class. Kettlebell Plus is for everyone... but if you are looking for easy, this isn't it.
Step & Sweat
The name says it all! This class gets your heart pumping with fast paced, high intensity step combinations. Muscle conditioning, abs, and stretching are also incorporated.